
昕阳小编 143 0


sad adj. 可悲的;可耻的sadly adv. 可悲的;可耻的

safe adj. 平安的;无危险的(adv.) safely safety n.安全;平安

There's safety in numbers人多势众

save v.节省; 挽救

save one's life 挽救某人的生命

save one's face保全面子

save the situation挽回局势

save one's breath保持沉默

save time节约时间

save on节约,节省

sail n. 帆;船帆V.sail across横渡

salad n. 色拉

fruit salad水果沙拉

sale n.出售;卖

have sales/be on sale打特价

salt n.氯化钠; 食盐

same adj.相同的;无差别的

be the same as和积....一样

look the same看起来很像

sand n.沙子;沙滩

sandwich n.三 明治

satisfy v.使满意;满足

satisfy sb with sth词型转换:

satisfying adj. 令人满意的

satisfied adj. 满足的,满意的

Saturday n.星 期六

sausage n.香肠;腊肠

say (said, said) v.说; 表达

go without saying显而易见

say to oneself自言自语

scalf n. 围巾(pl.)

scalfs /scalves

school n.学校; 校舍

schoolbag n. 书包

science n.科学; 理科

scientist n.科学家

score n. 分数;二十v. 得分;记分

a score-keeper记分员

a score -sheet记分单

a score of二十个

screen n. 屏,幕;屏风vt.拍摄;放映;掩蔽

sea n.海洋;海水.

in the sea在海里

on the sea在海滨

search n. /v.搜寻;搜査

search for sb/sth寺找某人/某物

season n.季节; 活跃期

in season在旺季

out of season在淡季

the dry/rainy season旱季/雨季


take one's seat坐下;就座

second num. 第二n. 秒;第二名;瞬间;二等品adj. 第二的;次要的;附加的

secret n.秘密; 奥秘

in secret偷偷的;暗暗的

in the secret知道秘密

keep a/the secret保守秘密

secretary n.秘书;干事

see (saw, seen) v.看见;领会

see sb dosth看见某人做了某事

see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事

see for oneself独自看;

seem v.似乎;看.上去seem like看起来像

seldom adv.很少; 难得

She seldom reads newspapers. 她很少读报纸。

sell (sold, sold) v.爽;出售

sell out售光

send (sent, sent) v.友送;邮寄

send away开除

send for派人去请某人

send up发射

sense n. 感觉,感官,意义vt. 感党到;检测

sentence n. 句子;宣判,判决vt. 判决,宣判 death判处死刑

separate adj. 単独的;分开的;不同的;各自的vt. 使分高;使分幵

separate..from把. ....和....分开/分 离

two separate problems两个互不干涉的问题The two twons are separated by a river. 两个城镇被这条河隔开了。

September n.九月

serious adj. 平肃的,平重的;真的

be serious about对...很严肃

take sb/sth seriously人真対待某人或某物

servant n. 仆人,俑人;公务员;雇エ

serve v. 服努;招待,侍候;可作用


serve sth out把. .分給大家

service n.服努;效劳

set (set, set) n. [数]集合;一套; [机]装置adj. 固定的;规定的;固抗的v.(日,月)落 況;设置

a set of一套

set up建立(establish)

set off爆炸;出发

set out出发,动身

settle v. 解决;定居

settle down定居, 平静'下来

seven num.七;七个

several adj. 几个的pron. 几个; - -些

shake(shook, shaken) n. 揺幼;咳嗽v. 动揺;揺动;震动;握手

shake hands with sb握手

shake sb by the hand

keep sight of sb/sth=keep sth/sb in sight 看住某人/某物

silence n.沉默;静寂

silent adj.无言的; 沉默的;寂静的

keep silent保持沉默

silk n.丝;丝绸

silky adj. 丝的;柔滑的;温和的;丝绸一样的

silly adj. 愚蠢的

silver n.银;白银


be similar to sb/sth ....相似

similarity n.相似性

simple adj简单的;容易的

simply adv.简单地; 容易地

since conj. 因为;既然;自..以来prep.自...以来

l haven't eaten since breakfast.

Where have you been since I last saw you .

sing (sang, sung) v.唱;歌唱

sing sth for/to sb为某人而唱歌

singer n. 歌手

single adj.唯一 的;单程的;单身的

sir n.先生;长官

sister n.姐姐;妹妹

sit (sat, sat) v.坐

sit down坐下

situation n.情况;环境

six num.六; 六个

sixty num.六十; 六十个

size n.大小;尺寸

for size试尺寸

of a size大小一样的;尺码相同的

skate V. 滑冰;溜冰

go skating去滑冰

skill n.技能; 技巧

reading skills阅读技巧

writing skills写作技巧

skirt n.短裙

sky n.天空

sleep n.睡眠; 睡觉v.睡觉

go to sleep.上床睡觉

fall/be asleep睡着

sleepy adj. 困的;瞌睡的

slide n.滑动;幻灯片;滑梯;雪崩V.滑动;悄悄地迅速放置;滑落

slow adj. 慢的;迟钝的vt.放慢;变慢

Slow down a bit, or you'll make youself ill.别那么卖力,不然你要累出病来。

slow but sure虽然慢但最后一定胜利

shame n. 羞耻,羞愧;憾事,带来耻辱的人vt.使丢脸,使羞愧,使某人感到羞耻

a shame可耻的人或事物

It's a shame to take money from those who can't afford it.


shame sb into/out of doing sth使某人感到惭愧而做/不做某事

shape n. 形状;模型;身材;具体化v. 形成;塑造,使成形;使符合

shape sth into sth做成某物的形状

share n. 份额;股份vt. 分享,分担;分配

share and share alike事事均分

share sth. with sb. 与人分享某物/在某方面有共同之处。

she pron.她

sheep (pl. sheep) n.羊; 蠢人

shelf (pl. shelves) n.架子; 搁板

shine v.发光;照射

shiny adj. 闪闪发光的

ship n.船;舰V.乘船;以船运送;乘船旅行;当船员

by ship= by sea乘船

shirt n.衬衫

keep one's shirt on不发脾气

Keep your shirt on! Nobody want to hurt you.别发火,没人想伤害你。

lose one's shirt失去一切

shoe n.鞋;铁蹄


go shopping

do some/the shopping

shopping center购物中心,商业街

shopping mall大型购物中心

short adj.矮的; 低的

be short of短缺

be short for缩写,简称

shorts n.短 裤

shoulder n. 肩,肩膀;肩部vt. 肩负,承担shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地

shout n./v.呼喊;大声说

shout out喊出来

shout at/to sb冲某人喊叫

show (showed, shown) v. 显示;表明

on show在展览中

a show of strength展示力量

show sb around sp带领某人参观某地

shower n. 淋浴; (倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨vt. 大量地给予vi. 淋浴;下阵雨

be caught in a shower遇到阵雨

take / have a shower淋浴

shut (shut, shut) v.关闭

shut up闭嘴

shy adj. 害羞的

sick adj.有 病的;恶心的

the sick病人



small adv.小的

smell n.气味,嗅觉,臭味v.嗅,闻;察觉到;发出..的气味

近义词辨析: smell / scent这两个词都有“气味”的意思。


What a nice smell!多好闻的味呀!


the scent of a hunted animal被捕野兽发出的气味

smile n./v. 微笑

smoke n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物vi.冒烟,吸烟;弥漫



smooth adj. 顺利的;光滑的;平稳的vt. 使光滑;使顺利

in smooth water(s)进展顺利

snake n. 蛇;阴险的人V. 迂回前进

snow v. 下雪n.雪

heavy snow大雪

There was a heavy snow last night.昨晚下了一场大雪。

snow hair雪白的头发

snowy adj. 多雪的;下雪的

so adv./conj .因此;所以

if so要是那样的话

so far到目前为止

So far for today.今天就到此为止。

so as to以便...

so then原来如此,那么

so that以便;以至于

l was so surprised that l couldn't speak.我惊奇地说不出话来。


so what那又怎么样呢

He's fifteen years younger than me, so what if he is?他比我小15岁,即使如此,又有什么?

so/as long as只要

soap n.肥皂

soap opera肥皂 剧

social adj.社会的; 社交的

society n.社会;社团;交往;社交界

sock n.短袜

sofa n.沙发

soft adj. 软的,柔软的;温柔的,温和的;软弱的;笨的

quiet and soft music轻柔的音乐

feel soft摸起来柔软

soldier n.军人;士兵


solid food固体食物

Cheese is a solid, milk is a liquid. 干酪是固体,奶是液体。

solve v. 解决;溶解

Help me to solve my mathematical problems.请帮助我解决这些数学问题。solution n. 解决方案

solution to sth解决问题的方法

some adj./pron. 一些adj.某- 一, 大约

after some time不久以后

some days ago几天前

some other day改天

someday (将来)某一天

somebody pron某人; 有人

someone pron.某人; 有人

something pron.某物;某事

sometimes adv.有时; 不时

He sometimes writes to me.他有时给我写写信。

somewhere adv.在某处; 到某处n.某处

son n.儿子

song n.歌;歌词

soon adv.立刻; 马上

sooner or later迟早

as soon as一....就

sorry adj. 遗憾的;对不起的,抱歉的

feel sorry for sb.同情某人

I feel sorry for anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather.我很同情在这种情况下还得开车的人。

sort n. 种类v. .....分类sort of有点

I feel sort of sick. 我觉的有点恶心。

He's the sort of person l really dislike.他这种人我真不喜欢。

sound n. 声音adj. 健全的,健康的v.听上去sound like 听起来像

have a sound mind心智健全

soup n.汤

sour adj.酸的; 发酵的

The milk's turned sour.牛奶变酸了。

south n. 南方,南边;南部adj. 南的,南方的adv.在南方,向南方

on the south coast在南海岸

southern adj. 南方的;在南方的

space n.空间; 太空

Is there a space for the car in the firm's carpark?公司的停车场有没有这辆车的位置。

spare n. 备用零件vt. 分出,匀出adj. 多余的;备用的

China spared more than two billion yuan forthe fight against SARA.为抗非典,中国拨出了二十多亿人民币。

spare no pains eth doing/to do sth.不遗余力地干某事

Everyone spared no pains preparing (toprepare) for the English evening. 为筹备这次英语晚会,同学们都不遗余力地工作。

speak (spoke, spoken) v.说话; 发言

Can we speak about plans for the holiday.我们谈谈假期的打算好吗?

He speaks several languages他会说好几种语言。

She spoke for forty minutes at the meeting.他在会,上讲了四十分钟。

special adj.特别的;专门的

What are your special interests?你有什么特别的爱好。

Take special care of it.对这东西要特别细心。

speech n.说话;演说

speed n.速度v. 加速

speed up加速

at speed高速地

It's dangerous to go round corners at 人民币 speed高速转弯是危险的。

at a speed of以.... 的速度

spell v.拼写; 拼读

spelling mistakes拼写错误

spend (spent, spent) v.花费

spirit n.精神;灵魂

His spirit is troubled.他内心苦恼。

in spirit 在内心,在精神上

shall be with you in spirit.我的心和你在一起。



spoon up one's soup用勺舀汤

sport n.运动; 运动会

spread (spread, spread) vt.传播,伸展,铺开,蔓延

spring n. 春天;弹簧;泉水;跳跃v. 弹跳,跳跃

With an easy spring the cat reached the branch.那猫轻轻一跃就够到了树枝。

squaren.平方;广场;正方形adj. 平方的;正方形的

stairs n.梯级; 楼梯

She always runs up/down the stairs. 她总是跑着上下楼。

stamp n.邮票

collect stamps集邮

stand n.站立; 坐落

stand for代表

stand out突出,显眼

standard n.标准;水平

People were very poor then, by today's standards.以今天的标准,那时候的人是很穷的

star n.星; 恒星

start v./n. 开始;发生

to start with第一,首先

steal (stole, stolen) v.偷窃;窃取

steel n.钢铁;坚强

stomach n. 胃;肚子

stomachache n.胃痛;肚子痛

have a stomachache胃疼

stone n.石料; 石子

Kill two birds with one stone.一石二鸟。

story n.故事;趣闻


strange adj 奇特的;陌生的

stranger n.外地人;新来者

strawberry n. 草莓

stream n.川; 河;水流

street n街道;街区

in the street在街上

street lighting路灯

succeed v.成功;紧随

successful adj. 成功的

sudden adj. 突然的;意外的


suddenly adv.突然地; 意外地

sugar n.糖

summer n.夏季;壮年

sun n.阳光; 太阳

in the sun在太阳下

Sunday n.星期日

sunny adj.睛 朗的;阳光充足的

supermarket n.超市

symbol n. 象征;标志

symbol of courage勇气的象征


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