打开仪销蚂表盖,将短路环短接 ↑ 修改值,按 确认 输入
按 标定+确认 开机,屏幕出现 PASS 输密码 010201 按 确认
(d=xx) 选择分度值
(dot x )小数位数 确认
(LOAD) 进行称量标定,放好砝码,按↑和 确认 输入重量值 再按 确认 结束标定。
按 功能 ,显示(CP 0),输入密码 5, 按 输入;
(E XXX)设分度值 输入,
(NO LOAD)空秤 输入
(AD LOAD)(XXXXX) 输入砝码值,加砝码,输入
(—)(P0 XXX) 按 称重 推出。
标定: 短路—置零-放满量程砝码—找钱—6—找钱—-9. 短路—15kg—找3—找钱—6—找钱—-9. 短路—30kg—找4—找钱—6—找钱—-9.
标定: 开机归零状态下,按“累清”3秒直到重量窗出现“CAL”在秤台上放满量程砝码,稳定后按累计,标定完毕.
秤精度选择: 开机自检过程中按 “取样+3”立即停止自检进入精度选择,可选精度自动轮流显示,按“累计”键确认.提示选择跟零范围,按“累计”键确认,重新开始自检.
出现 0~err时二点标定: 在地磅开机自检时按住标定键和设定键,当显示出跳动的零时放开按键,显示当前满量程,再按“确认”键,.显示内码值,再按“确认”,显示“0-CAL”天平抓零, 稳定后天平加载1/2砝码,稳定后再加载满量程砝码.
原始标定: 开机自检过程中按“取样+8”自检完后进入标定程序,单重窗显示“mg”,重量窗出现最大秤量,按“去皮”键选择最大秤量,然后再按“累计”键确认,再按一次“累计”键,进入重量标定,单重窗显示“HAFL”,放上半量程砝码,然后按“累计”键, 单重窗显示“FULL”放上总秤量砝码,等稳定后按“累计”键确认.
按 标定 显示 CAL 按设定 按↑ 和 确认 输入加载的砝码值
计重秤地磅(1): 先短路,开机后显示分度值进入标定功能.
放最大称量砝码,按“找钱” “总计”,按“6”,将砝码(1/3MAX)放上,按“找钱”“总计”,如显示正确重量就跳过,否则按“4”(1:2kg 2:6kg 3:15kg 4:30kg)按“找钱”“总计”,按“9” 关机,短路复位。
(2): 按住(标定键+确认键)+开机,自检完后就进入标定程序,输入密码010201,即可标定.
上海升隆计数秤电子磅: 开机自检过程中按“取样+8”(1)进入重量单位选择,按去皮键选择,按累计键确认,(2)设定小数点位数,(3)输入满弊昌量程,显示 FULL (4)分度值选择. (5)设定零点跟踪范围.(6) 确定零位.(7)放砝码任意点标定,按累计确认,按去皮键修改砝码值.
打开仪表盖,S1-1 在 ON状态下可以标定
称重状态下,按F1键进入 F1 按 确认 显示F1.2 用模式选择,确认
F1.3 MAX最大称量 按确认
F1.4 e确认
F1.5 CAL X X=0跳过 进入F1.6 X=1 进入标定
E SCL秤台为零,确认 15 CAL 倒计时
ADD LD加码,60%MAX 确认 000000 去皮 和 模式 输入砝码值,确认
15CAL倒计时 完成 按确认 到F2 按清零键,跳到 SAVE,确认保存。
开机,按printer(开关打印) 和 zero(清零) 显示 F1 按 皮重 光标移位 按 功能 选择
按 开关/打印 进入“F1.2” 按 功能 选择 1 进入标定状态
CAP最大称量 incr 分度值 escal 空秤确认
ADD LD加砝码,000000 通过 皮重 和功能 键输入砝码值,确认
倒计时,CAL D 标定完成。按开关/打印 退回正常显示状态。
1. S1-1设定为on 开机,同时按 ENTER + ZERO 显示 F1
2.屏幕显示 CAL X 选择 1 确认
3. E SAL零位确认
4. “ADD LD”“ 000000 ”加砝码,确认,完成。
1.按住 打印键 仪表显示“nRSFEr” 输 清零 去皮 清零 去皮 按 打印 显示“SETUP”.2. 显示 F1.2.3,选择最大称量,
3.F1.2.6选择分度值 F1.3 校秤F1.3.2 选on 可以校两个加载点,off 一个
4. CAL 0,,按确认,FULL LD 加载砝码,确认,输入砝码值确认。
5.功能 移动光标, 去皮 数字加一, 清零
1.打开外壳,J5短路后再开路,屏幕显示 S1 0 进入设定状态
2. S P 100最大称量,可按
去皮 选择,开关确认
3. G 0.02分度值
4. L —-,空秤确认,
5. C P 100按去皮选择不同的重量,
按清零 确认。
6. H —-加砝码,确认,E 0 去皮键选 1 ,保存 退出。
1.接通电源,进入称重状态,同时按清零和确认键,显示F1,按确认,显示 F1.2 选定单位
F1.3最大称量,去皮和模式可输入数字,确认,F1.4 分度值 确认
2.显示CAL 0 按模式 显示 CAL 1,按确认 显示 E SCL,秤台清零,确认
仪表显示 15 CAL倒计时, 显示 ADD Ld 加砝码,确认,显示 000000,去皮和模式输入所加重量值,按确认 倒计时,完成。
显示 F1.6 按确认 直到 F2, 按清除 显示 CAL OFF, 按确认 恢复正常称重。
com.fuyeor.fer 是 FER 语言的返启包名。
包(packages): 采用反写域名命名规则,即com.xx.xxx.xxxx形式,全部使用小写字母。一级包名为com,二级包名为xx(一般为公司或个人域名),三级包名根据应用进行命名,四级包名薯世乱为功能模块数档名。这样具备较高可读性。
Abbreviation Meaning
3 heart
404 I haven't a clue
ADN Any day now
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
ARE Acronym-rich environment
ASAP As soon as possible
A/S/L? Age/sex/location?
B4N Bye for now
BAK Back at the keyboard
BAS Big a** smile
BBIAB Be back in a bit
BBL Be back later
BBN Bye bye now
BBS Be back soon
BEG Big evil grin
BF Boy friend
BFD Big f***ing deal
BFN Bye for now
BG Big grin
BIBO Beer in, beer out
BIOYIOP Blow it out your I/O port
BL Belly laughing
BMGWL Busting my gut with laughter
BOTEC Back-of-the-envelope calculation
BRB Be right back
BTA But then again...
BTDT Been there, done that
BTW By the way
BWL Bursting with laughter
BWTHDIK But what the heck do I know...?
CICO Coffee in, coffee out
CG Chuckle and grin
CNP Continued in next post
CRB Come right back
CRBT Crying real big tears
CU See you
CUL See you later
CUL8ER See you later
CYA See ya
CYA Cover your ass
CYO See you online
DBA Doing business as
DFLA Disenhanced four-letter acronym (that is, a TLA)
DL Dead link
DLTBBB Don't let the bed bugs bite
DIKU Do I know you?
DITYID Did I tell you I'm distressed?
DOM Dirty old man
DOS Dozing off soon
DQMOT Don't quote me on this
DTRT Do the right thing
DWB Don't write back
EG Evil grin
EMFBI Excuse me for butting in
EMSG E-mail message
EOM End of message
EOT End of thread (meaning: end of discussion)
ETLA Extended three-letter acronym (that is, an FLA)
F2F Face to face
FAQ Frequently-ask question(s)
FC Fingers crossed
FISH First in, still here
FLA Four-letter acronym
FMTYEWTK Far more than you ever wanted to know
FOMCL Falling off my chair laughing
FTBOMH From the bottom of my heart
FUBAR F***ed up beyond all repair or recognition
FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For your information
G Grin
GA Go ahead
GAL Get a life
GIGO Garbage in, garbage out
GDR Grinning, ducking, and running
GF Girlfriend
GFN Gone for now
GGP Gotta go pee
GIWIST Gee, I wish I'd said that
GL Good luck
GMAB Give me a break
GMTA Great minds think alike
GOL Giggling out loud
GTRM Going to read mail
GTSY Glad to see you
HK Hug and kiss
HAGN Have a good night
HAND Have a nice day
HHIS Hanging head in shame
HIG How's it going
HT Hi there
HTH Hope this helps
HUB Head up butt
IAC In any case
IAE In any event
IANAL I am not a lawyer (but)
IC I see
IGP I gotta pee
IHA I hate acronyms
IHU I hear you
IIRC If I recall/remember/recollect correctly
ILU or ILY I love you
IM Immediate message
IMCO In my considered opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMing Chatting with someone online usually while doing other things such as playing trivia or other interactive game
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IMS I am sorry
IOW In other words
IPN I'm posting naked
IRL In real life (that is, when not chatting)
ITIGBS I think I'm going to be sick
IWALU I will always love you
IYSWIM If you see what I mean
J4G Just for grins
JBOD Just a bunch of disks (like redundant array of independent disks, etc.)
JIC Just in case
JK Just kidding
JMO Just my opinion
JTLYK Just to let you know
k ok
KISS Keep it simple stupid
KIT Keep in touch
KOTC Kiss on the cheek
KOTL Kiss on the lips
KWIM? Know what I mean?
L8R Later
L8R G8R Later gator
LD Later, dude
LDR Long-distance relationship
LHO Laughing head off
LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause
LMAO Laughing my a** off
LMSO Laughing my socks off
LOL Laughing out loud
LRF Little Rubber Feet (the little pads on the bottom of displays and other equipment)
LSHMBH Laughing so hard my belly hurts
LTM Laugh to myself
LTNS Long time no see
LTR Long-term relationship
LULAB Love you like a brother
LULAS Love you like a sister
LUWAMH Love you with all my heart
LY Love ya
LY4E Love ya forever
MorF Male or female
MOSS Member of the same sex
MOTOS Member of the opposite sex
MTF More to follow
MUSM Miss you so much
NADT Not a darn thing
NFG No f*****g good
NFW No feasible way or no f*****g way
NIFOC Naked in front of computer
NP No problem
NRN No response necessary
OIC Oh, I see
OLL Online love
OMG Oh my God
OTF Off the floor
OTOH On the other hand
OTTOMH Off the top of my head
PANS Pretty awesome new stuff (as opposed to "POTS")
PAW Parents are watching
PCMCIA People can't master computer industry acronyms
PDA Public display of affection
PEBCAK Problem exists between chair and keyboard
PIBKAC Problem is between keyboard and chair
PITA Pain in the ass
PM Private message
PMFJIB Pardon me for jumping in but...
POAHF Put on a happy face
::POOF:: Goodbye (leaving the room)
POTS Plain old telephone service
PU That stinks!
QT Cutie
RL Real life (that is, when not chatting)
ROR Raffing out roud (Engrish for "laughing out loud")
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
ROTFLMAOWPIMP Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off while peeing in my pants
ROTFLMBO Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
RPG Role-playing games
RSN Real soon now
RT Real time
RTFM Read the f***ing manual
RYO Roll your own (write your own program; derived from cigarettes rolled yourself with tobacco and paper)
S^ S'up - what's up
S4L Spam for life (what you may get when you become someone's customer or client)
SHCOON Shoot hot coffee out of nose
SEG S***-eating grin
SETE Smiling ear to ear
SF Surfer-friendly (low-graphics Web site)
SHID Slaps head in disgust
SNAFU Situation normal, all f***ed up
SO Significant other
SOL Smilling out loud or sh*t out of luck
SOMY Sick of me yet?
SOT Short on time
SOTMG Short on time must go
STFW Search the f*****g Web
STW Search the Web
SU Shut up
SUAKM Shut up and kiss me
SUP What's up
SWAG Stupid wild-a** guess
SWAK Sealed with a kiss
SWL Screaming with laughter
SYS See you soon
TA Thanks again
TAFN That's all for now
TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TCOY Take care of yourself
TFH Thread from hell (a discussion that just won't die and is often irrelevant to the purpose of the forum or group)
TGIF Thank God it's Friday
THX Thanks
TIA Thanks in advance (used if you post a question and are expecting a helpful reply)
TILII Tell it like it is
TLA Three-letter acronym
TLK2UL8R Talk to you later
TMI Too much information
TNT Till next time
TOPCA Til our paths cross again (early Celtic chat term)
TOY Thinking of you
TPTB The powers that be
TTFN Ta-Ta for now
TTT Thought that, too (when someone types in what you were about to type)
TTYL Talk to you later
TU Thank you
TY Thank you
UAPITA You're a pain in the ass
UW You're welcome
VBG Very big grin
VBSEG Very big s***-eating grin
WAG Wild a** guess
WAYD What are you doing
WB Welcome back
WBS Write back soon
WDALYIC Who died and left you in charge?
WEG Wicked evil grin
WFM Works for me
WIBNI Wouldn't it be nice if
WT? What/who the ?
WTFO What the F***! Over!
WTG Way to go!
WTGP? Want to go private?
WU? What's up?
WUF? Where are you from?
WYSIWYG What you see is what you get
YBS You'll be sorry
YGBSM You gotta be s***tin' me!
YMMV Your mileage may vary.
YW You're welcome
首先在包装上,正版菲罗多刹车片的包装上是有防伪码的,每一个产品对应一个防伪码,可以通过扫防伪码来鉴别真伪,这个不能造假的。其次在刹车派塌察片衫此上,正宗的菲罗多刹车片上会有配方编号信息,配方编号FERxxx之类的,少数会在刹车片的钢背上印FERODO LOGO。正宗的菲罗多刹车片噪音较小,材料优良,不会过软或者过硬,可以有效平衡刹车的距离,使用寿命也较尘茄长。
标签: ferxxx