shake是什么意思英语(shake shack汉堡)

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shake 英[ʃeɪk] 美[ʃek]

vt. 动摇; 摇头; 使发抖; 使心绪不宁[烦恼,惊吓];

vi. 握手; 摇(出),抖(掉) (嗓音) 颤抖;

n. 震动; 摇动; 哆嗦; 混合饮料;

[例句]When you focus on learning, failure is just a part of the process and wont shakeyour confidence.


[其他] 第三人称单数:shakes 现在分词:shaking 过去式:shook过去分词:shaken

shake是什么意思英语(shake shack汉堡)-第1张图片-昕阳网




n. 摇动, 震动

v. 摇动, 使震动, 动摇; 摇动; 发抖;

震动; 握手


[shak·ing || 'ʃeɪkɪŋ]

n. 摇动; 震动; 挥动;




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1. 摇,摇动;震动;抖动[O8]

His heavy steps shook the room.


Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.


2. 握(手)

He came forward and shook me by the hand.


3. 使震惊,使心烦意乱[H][(+up)]

4. 动摇,减弱

This shook Arthur's religious faith.


5. 【美】【口】摆脱


1. 摇动;震动;发抖

He was shaking with anger.


2. 【口】握手

3. 动摇,变弱


1. 摇动;震动;握手[S1]

It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake.


2. 【口】一刹那[C]

He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.


3. 【美】【口】待遇[S]

I got a much better shake than she did.


4. 发抖;寒颤;疟疾[the P]

5. 【口】地震

6. 【美】【口】奶昔(由牛奶和冰淇淋等搅制而成的混合饮料)



shake [�0�6e�0�1k]

1. 及物动词 [+dice, rug, person] 猛摇

2. 及物动词 [+bottle, cocktail, medicine] 摇晃

3. 及物动词 [+buildings, ground] 使震动

4. 及物动词 [+person] (affect) 使震惊

5. 及物动词 [+belief, confidence] (undermine) 使动摇

6. 不及物动词 [person, part of the body+] 发抖

7. 不及物动词 [voice+] 颤抖

8. 不及物动词 [building, table+] 震动

9. 不及物动词 [ground+] 震颤

10. 名词 to give sth/sb a shake 猛摇一下某物/某人

11. 名词 [c] (also: milkshake) 奶昔

to shake one's head 摇头拒绝 12. 名词 (in dismay) 摇摇头

to shake one's fist (at sb) (朝某人)挥拳头 to shake hands (with sb) (和某人)握手 to shake with fear/rage/laughter [person+] 怕/气/笑得发抖 13. 名词 [voice+] 怕/气/笑得颤抖

he declined with a shake of his head 他摇摇头拒绝了


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1. 及物动词 摇(撼);使摆动(或振动)

2. 及物动词 摇匀;搅

to shake a medicine before taking it 服前把药摇匀 You're supposed to shake that juice box before drinking it. 喝之前最好摇一摇果汁盒。 If you shake a soda can before opening it, the liquid inside will explode all over your hands and make a mess. 如果在打开罐装碳酸饮料之前摇了它,里边的液体就会喷得手上到处都是,弄得很脏。 3. 及物动词 抖,撒

to shake pepper on a steak 把胡椒撒在牛排上 She shook a small amount of salt and pepper onto the dishes before serving. 上菜前,她往菜里撒了少量盐和胡椒。 4. 及物动词 使发颤(或抖动)

5. 及物动词 动摇(信心、决心等)

6. 及物动词 使心情不宁

7. 及物动词 挥舞

8. 及物动词 握(手)

9. 及物动词 [美国英语] [口语] 摆脱

I just can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. 我无法摆脱那种被人监视的感觉。 10. 及物动词 [音乐] 【同义词】trill

11. 不及物动词 震动;振动;颤动

12. 不及物动词 发抖

The girl was so frightened that her hands started to shake. 这个女孩被吓得手开始发抖。 She was shaking so hard she could hardly hold her pencil. 她抖得很厉害,笔都拿不住了。 13. 不及物动词 动摇;不稳

Don't put so much pressure on the table, it's going to shake and break under your weight. 别那么使劲压桌子,你那么大劲都快要把桌子晃散了。 14. 不及物动词 握手

15. 不及物动词 [音乐] 【同义词】trill

16. 名词 摇动;摆动;振荡

17. 名词 颤动,抖动

18. 名词 握手

19. 名词 (石、木上的)裂缝

20. 名词 (圆木上锯下的)木板

21. 名词 [口语] 地震

22. 名词 [美国英语] milkshake之略

23. 名词 [口语] [复数形态时]颤栗(常与the连用)

24. 名词 [口语] 一会儿;一刹那

I'll be there in half a shake 我马上就来。 25. 名词 [口语] 处置,对待

to get a fair shake 得到公平的处置 26. 名词 [音乐] 【同义词】trill

27. 名词 [slang] 奶昔

Tomorrow, all I want to do is go to the diner and have an ice cream shake. 明天,我只想去吃点儿饭,然后再喝杯奶昔。

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