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「go green」中文意思是?「绿色」(green)的五个英文俚语!

「给你一盏绿光」(give the green light)在英文中有何涵义呢?「go green」又是在形容脸色发青吗?

English With Lucy的讲师Lucy提出了五个和「绿色」(green)有关的俚语,让你在这些生动又有趣的俚语中学会道地的英文用法喔!

1. to be green with envy

= to be really jealous or envious 非常忌妒 e.g. My neighbor has a geous new pug puppy, and I am green with envy. 我的邻居有一只非常可爱的狗狗,我好忌妒啊!

2. to have a green thumb

= to have a talent for growing plants 擅长园艺 e.g. In the summer months, my dad grows amazing food for us. All the vegetables taste delicious because he has a green thumb. 在夏季时节,我的父亲总会种植作物给我们吃。所有的蔬菜都非常美味,这是因为他非常擅长园艺。

3. to be green around the gills

= to look or feel ill 不太舒服 e.g. I sent Sharon from work today because she looked a bit green around the gills. 我今天送Sharon从公司回家,因为她看起来不太舒服。

4. give the green light

= give someone permission to start 准许某人开始做某事 e.g. My boss gave me the green light to start my new campaign. 我的老板允许我开始新计画。

5. to go green

= to make an environmentally friendly lifestyle change 奉行环保原则 e.g. I’ve decided to go green. From now on, I am going to walk to work. 我决定要奉行环保原则。从现在起,我会走路去上班。

give the green light, give the green light 中文, give the green light 意思, give the green light 翻译, go green, go green 中文, go green 意思, go green 翻译, green, green around the gills, green thumb, green with envy, to be green around the gills, to be green around the gills 中文, to be green around the gills 意思, to be green around the gills 翻译, to be green with envy, to be green with envy 中文, to be green with envy 意思, to be green with envy 翻译, to go green, to go green 中文, to go green 意思, to go green 翻译, to have a green thumb, to have a green thumb 中文, to have a green thumb 意思, to have a green thumb 翻译

go green是什么意思

1、go green 相当于protect the environment



4、补充: live a green life~过绿色生活

go green 意思




He turned teacher when he was 20 years old.



go green 意思 go green

是“变绿”的意思.在英语中有几个词表示“变”,你要记住:go,turn,become它们的用法差不多,要注意turn的用法,举个例子来说明吧.He turned teacher when he was 20 years old.注意句子中动词turn后面的teacher前面没...



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标签: gogreen什么意思

